Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Let the Fireworks Begin! Yep I did it... Etsy Shop is OPEN!

 It's up and running!  I'll be adding things all day!  Hope everyone is having a wonderful
July 4TH!
 Etsy Store.... Let the fireworks begin!
I'm open to any Etsy tips you may have!


  1. Congrats! And success, you deserve it! Your stuff is awesome!

  2. how exciting! i just bought some of your dolls. any more of the flat ones that you have picture on your table from the show? want one of those too!

  3. Congratulations! I am so excited for YOU !
    I am SO excited for me! I could own a piece of your work!!
    Well done, wonderfully talented lady xx xx
    Hugs from Sue in the UK xx <3 xx

  4. Congratulation on opening your shop...I am still working on mine.
    I love your art work. Well done =)
