It's that graduation time of year... a time when this question will be placed at the footsteps of young minds... ready to step out into the world and make their mark. When asked this question I think many of us who reside stateside... ponder what do I want to "be" as it refers to work, career and job description.
How did "do" become "be"? It's a tough job market right now... and kids are scrambling to figure out how to fill in that blank. When visiting with those who are conflicted and discouraged over what that is looking like, you know... a masters degree and a job prospect as a waiter... I always pass along... "a job is what you do... it's not who you are". Be proud of what you do, do well at what you do... achieve great things... and free yourself up to "be" all the things that make up you.
If you can... blend the two in... and that might just be bliss...
Well... I've gone and done it again. I've played out this sketch in my mind and created a job for myself. It's currently what I'm doing - blended with who I am - allowing a "be" that is bliss. Unless I'm moping the floors and then that's just a "DO".

Ta Da! Talc - artist friendly coffee house and shared gallery space. Passions can become what you do and that is a really cool thing. We are open, we are meeting wonderful neighbors, we are excited for all the art to arrive, we are happy. Oh and a little exhausted... but recovering.
A bit of my studio has moved with me.... into an amazing new piece I found... a mail sorting cabinet. This little item is a "do" and "be" marvel... what it is and what it does is bliss!
All set up and ready for me to get crackin at "being the artist I want to be". Curious... is an artist a job? A do? or is an artist a "be"?
All set up and ready for me to get crackin at "being the artist I want to be". Curious... is an artist a job? A do? or is an artist a "be"?
Hum... maybe someone with a Master's could shed a bit of light on that thought...

Studio at the back of Talc.... and here's a peek at the rest. Artwork arriving! Coffee that I love, space for classes and conversation... So come on over and we can work in our art journals together and make great plans! or if you're phone does that "scan thing" then there you go.... from the blog you can connect to fb too.
that is beyond anything I would ever venture to "be"... or "do" ... caught myself!
You rock, Keli! And I wish I could drop in tonight. Instead, I linked to you!
oh, this sounds so wonderful.
*deep happy sigh
congratulations on following your bliss :)
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