Wednesday, January 21, 2009


i've been locked away...
chains and all...

setting about a trick or two and playing games...
it has been


Leslie said...

Oh boy! This should be on its way to me right now. I can't wait to see it!

I love the glimpses!


Anonymous said...

Oh do tell....looks very interesting!! Looking forward to seeing what you've got cooking!!

Lonnie said...

me too..inquiring minds. intriguing. :> wanda

Judy said...

Wow - looks like one helluva key. You guys are doing amazing pieces from what I can see.

Love it all.
Thanks for the regards too.

Anonymous said...

Keli - I so enjoyed the company of your amazing book - your talents are multiple and I am humbled to be included therein - tucked a real witches broom in along with the stitches, witches and magical fixes... en route to TX as we speak - and btw - these journal pages below are extraordinary - I love them - thank you for inspiring me in so many ways...
will post and link to you here later tonight...

xox - eb.

mendytexas said...

OOH Keli, Thanks for letting me play in your round robin book! You have so much talent! Hope you enjoy the pages! :)mendy

Tanya A said...

Hi great reaading your post