"Make Good Choices"
my little pre shopping chant I say to myself... it kinda helps.
The Farm Chicks Show
I went with two things in mind that I was hoping to find... another train case to replace the one that went home with Linda from Objects and Elements at artfest. The second item was a pair of cowboy boots... for me. Hey come on... I live in Montana, have a "ranch" and
"The Marshall Tucker Band" is coming to play at our concert venue... so I'm thinking I have plenty of reasons to buy a pair... and if I keep rambling about it I'll even convince myself!

and then I found...

what a title... yes?

and who can pass on a sweet red tin...?

I've always wanted one the vintage swim locker baskets... this came from Heather Bullards booth as well as the spool of ribbon. The chicken feeder... weathered to a wonderful color is going up on the wall in my studio - I thought it could hold paints... or cabinet cards... or...

and take home with you what you can...
a booth full of wonderful treasures and LOTS OF PEOPLE...
Something about this piece I just loved... it's good
I was pretty sure it was her blog I've been following since artfest... so I asked her if she had attended - yes she had - so I commented on her pce I had seen during the show and share night. It was a great pce she had done in Carly Sonhiem's class. She asked what I had taken there so I told her, the minute I started describing "a horse with feathers..." we had a connection. I was happy to get one of her originals... her prints are of great quality too... so here is her etsy and blog... good choices everywhere

Something about this piece I just loved... it's good
They have a website...
"make good choices"
I find when I'm at a show like this I need a sensory "saltine". You know what I mean a calm pool amongst the current of spring run off... a place to rest your eyes.

I looked left and then I looked right... and just followed my gaze into
the sweet - calm - pool that is

I just added you to the sidebar on my blog. Love your creations and awesome finds! Thanks for sharing.
Super cool stuff in a super cool studio!
Sigh. Next year I will schedule better.
When I read this:
"I find when I'm at a show like this I need a sensory "saltine". You know what I mean a calm pool amongst the current of spring run off... a place to rest your eyes.
I looked left and then I looked right... and just followed my gaze into
the sweet - calm - pool.."
I just sighed. I know what you mean.....and I have never heard or read it so eloquently put. Your words allowed me to visualize the current of spring run off...and the quiet pool. and I sighed.
I love when a writer has this gift.
Kudos to you and this fabulous blog which I will earmark and add to my sidebar.
It's nice to meet you - they call me Rella.
xox Rella
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