The beautiful fountain in Port Townsend... that has drawn many a "festival virgin"...
The door to my room. This being my first time to a "fest" I wasn't sure what to choose for housing... now that i've been there I think you have a find time regardless of where you sleep. Teesha placed me in the house and was sweet to connect me with my roomie prior to the event. We were to share a room with two twin beds. Well my cough was still awful when I arrived, so I was glad to see a couch in the living room... well luck have it.. there was a roll away on the back adorable back porch... so I just set up house there. It was perfect for me, a little cooler than upstairs - which I like - and my coughing didn't keep everyone awake. I must say if your traveling to Journalfest or Artfest alone and your worried about being matched up with unknown housemates - give it a go - I feel so lucky to have met Tanya, Jenny and Maggie. It was fun to share what we had gained in each class - to get to know them a bit and hear about their amazing lives. Good women are out there doing amazing things... and to share in each others stories - I simply love it.
Day 1 - Anahata Katkin - Impulse Collage
this was a perfect class to start out with... free, fast and completely fun. the less mind the better and that worked out well for me! Kecia and I shared a table... and what I forgot to bring she had and vice verse... that is another thing about an art retreat... don't fuss over not having everything...folks just share and trade and give
I'm sure for many of you this has happened in your work before... tear text to fill in an area... and then discover what it says once it's already in place
this next picture is out of order... but it's fine...yes? so on the last night of Journalfest they hosted an open journaling event with music and wine. Tables sprinkled with treats of art and food. Just a great atmosphere... I carted a couple of the journals I had been working in over the past three days. Tracey came to the mike to introduce the band. He explained how much he appreciated the local music and coffee houses and the energy he derived in his journals doing artwork while listening the the local sound. He encouraged us to let the music into our art... and so i did... and the doodle bug caught big with me. Theo Ellsworth sat at the table next to us... I appreciate his work so much.. and he used to live in Missoula. I was happy to bring home his prints to my son Bryce (the true artist in our house). It's my hope that someday I will share a "fest' experience with Bryce... he would love it! Ok back to the work... so I allowed a little "Theoismish" inspiration and let was a little wierd how much the music influenced what i was doing... and when the music paused... so did I.
now under the flaps are sweet bits of art gifted to me... one was not for public i just had to cover them all...
well i get to this point and realize my day 2 pictures have vanished... and no... I did not have a rum and coke before I started this... might have been a good idea... well day 2 is a class with Stephanie Lee... and I will have to assume that it deserved it's own post... and that's reasonable.
Day 3 - Alex Shur - Journaling into Painting
What an amazing class... I have always wanted to take a watercolor class and this one was just perfect for me. I wasn't looking for classic technique... rules and guidelines... class. I wanted a get right to it, see what happens... explore and don't think too much. 
eagle boy and vano - with a fur viking hat

my galloping horse
the smallest of faces taking a peek

alex helped me see this

as time went on I began to see more whimsical figures
Day 3 - Alex Shur - Journaling into Painting
put down color and see
see what appears
oh... there it is ... a horse, a small woman in a door way... a chick... a duck on a body... an eagle person... vano ( yeah... I'm not the only one who looked at my page and saw Anahata's sweet man) ... and then sweet alex came by and saw the wonderful girl with the big hat and coat. " Do you see it" she asked... I didn't... but I can't tell you how thrilled I was to have her mark her vision on my page. yeepie!
little caterpillar girl guided by a winged heart
little caterpillar girl guided by a winged heart
eagle boy and vano - with a fur viking hat
my galloping horse
alex helped me see this
as time went on I began to see more whimsical figures
I am traveling to Art Fest in March my first retreat and I really appreciate you advice. love the work that you did and so glad it was a good trip for you! thanks for sharing..
It was great to see you face to face - hope to see you at artfest
Thanks for sharing, Keli. You inspire me with your wonderful sense of adventure. Can't wait until we cross paths again.
Seems like you had an amazing time - broken lens and all. Thanks for sharing your experience!
Keli, I am so inspired, awed, delighted with your pictures from Journalfest. You blow me away girl!
Making novenas for your lens.
Hi Keli! I found you through Misty's blog. I really enjoyed looking through your posts. Your trip to Journalfest sounds wonderful. I wanted to go, but couldn't this year. Thanks for sharing your experience with us.
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