Part of my journey was witnessing the beautiful - thoughtful - and completely personal exchange of life promises between my nephew Walsh and his sweet bride Kim
a blushing bride she was... wearing the dress Walsh made her... yeah i was a puddle the entire ceremony...
and at moments... so were they
special words... thoughts... hopes and dreams - shared with such care
well the hands do say it all...
it was an honor to witness such trust and genuine devotion
Walsh & Kim
you're beautiful
the day following we headed to the shore... right in the middle of a "nor Easter"sp?
and it goes without saying... you gotta have lobster... and ours were made fresh at home...
thanks Barb & Glenn... the best I ever had!

a perfect New England steeple... yes?

so this was a fabric mill... it was massive... i think of all the hands that worked a thread here.

If you and i traveled much together... you would find me dragging you into these... yes... cemetery's.... i love them. For whatever reason when I was young and traveling with my parents - a cemetery was always in the mix when we visited a new place... why, i have no idea... but it caught on with me.
a perfect New England steeple... yes?
so this was a fabric mill... it was massive... i think of all the hands that worked a thread here.
If you and i traveled much together... you would find me dragging you into these... yes... cemetery's.... i love them. For whatever reason when I was young and traveling with my parents - a cemetery was always in the mix when we visited a new place... why, i have no idea... but it caught on with me.
Much best wishes to the bride and groom. I just spent 10 days in New England and had a marvelous time. Lovely countryside, so much history and great food. Adored my time there. Stop by my blog and leave a comment to enter into my 100th Post Giveaway. Hard to believe it has been that many posts. Sea Witch
What beautiful photos Keli! I can see what you're smitten with with New England in the fall.
Ah Keli, your posts are so inspiring. Thanks for your kind words about your Journalfest roomies! Maybe we can do it again down the road. I wish I could ride in your pocket on all these wonderful trips! Jenny
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