This space has become a place to gather... everything from my thoughts to my finds.
I've had great conversations with my kids, great art days with friends and quite time with myself... in this space. My house is a busy place... a "lived in" kind of house.
This studio is my retreat.

I've done a little rearranging since we visited last year (July 09)... I've moved my work table over to the window - better light and a nice neighborhood view. I moved my favorite piece - the watchmakers cabinet into this area so I can enjoy it more.

I moved some of my storage boxes off of my work table and onto a bookshelf... they are still handy to get to and I like having a "clear table"... well in theory anyway.

I keep adding bits to my Sally Jean Chanderalla.... I didn't notice until I posted this picture that there are still Christmas tags hanging on it! See, anything "blends" on a Chanderella!

A few of my finds from over the last year, the little anvil found in Port Townsend while attending Journalfest. These little velvet boxes keep catching my eye and finding their way home with me. The metal drawers - well you would have shipped that home too!

The watchmakers cabinet... moved to the wall where the bookshelf and tv used to be. I never turned on the tv... so I got rid of it... and wha la... I find it more pleasant to look at than the busy book shelf that used to sit in this spot. It's a more restful piece for this spot.
For me I've found I adore my groupings of eclectic inspiration...
but I need sturdy - calm areas as well.

I enjoy the "organizing" of a studio... creating a workable enviorment. I have small windows of time to treat myself to creating... so I like to be able to put my hand right on whatever it is I'm looking for.
This box is one I found last fall during my trip to the East Coast. It holds small special treasures... waiting to find there way into a book, necklace or assemblage.

these cases are wonderful for storing - I have old handwritten ledger paper in one and vintage fabric in the other... I hope to keep adding to this stack.

This is my painting nook... I set this area up when I took
Misty Mawn's Online class last year... and I've kept it... ready for when inspiration hits. I love having the paper down, the messy mat ready to go. Paints, brushes, pens and pencils... all there... no excuses... just get to it.

The board above my table is great for keeping event cards -trades from retreats - bits of this and that ... things that catch my eye... gifts from friends... I love it all jumbled together.

the area above should be titled
"here are a few of my favorite things"

Finding ways to house and enjoy the art I have been gifted in trades.

Spaces to enjoy the art I've created and the wonderful works of others.

Objects that inspire just by being here... waiting for their role in some new project.

Sitting patiently

waiting for direction

me too.
Thank you for stopping by... I look forward to getting over to visit your
neck of the woods.
Hi Kelli!
So nice to get a glimpse in your crative space today!
Love the Sally Jean chandy, you are so lucky that you can attend her classes!
Oh and all of your vintage furnitures, vintage books and compasses especially are so very pretty!
Sending you happy WBC party wishes from Germany
Carola xoxo~
Heavenly studio and creative treasures everywhere! I would love to spend afternoons there!!! Blessings and thanks!
Thank you for the lovely tour! Love all of your cabinets especially the watchmaker's one. Your room is very inviting and I can imagine you spend a lot of time there. Beautiful!
Hi !
I must make you a compliment.
Every picture you show in your blog is crammed with treasures, lovely vintage and other old things.
This just gives such a serenity and peacefull image of your home and creative space.
Would love to have a peek around, enjoying a cup of tea on a rainy day...
I am sure I will be visiting your blog more often in the future !
Thanks for showing us around.
Kind regards,
Good Morning Keli, I LOVE this peek into your studio! You have so many wonderful treasures of art, and beautiful pieces of furniture, cases, and containers. How lucky you are to have this little slice of heaven right in your own home! You're a lucky girl!
I am totally in love with your studio. I can see how you might never want to leave it. This is one of the most functional and beautiful sites I've visited. Love all the vintage storage solutions, too. Thanks for sharing this really beautiful and inspiring space.
Your place is wonderful. I too love all the bits of this and that. Your display case pieces are really wonderful finds. I'd love to more about this "chanderella". It looks like such fun. Thanks for the tour!
Since you don't have "followers" I've added you to my side bar!
There is so much for the eyes to take in! I loved visiting your creative space. I was envious of your chandy last year too!!! Thank you so much for sharing it all with us. You really helped to make the party special... again!
My Desert Cottage
Wonderful!!!!!! I am going to do a recap post of all the workspaces I especially enjoyed and I would like to include yours. Do I have your permission to include one of your pictures in my post? xo Joan@anythinggoeshere
Wow...love what you've used for storage in your space! All those old books are wonderful too!
love the painting nook...and oh so yes I would have shipped home the metal drawers!!
Love it,I spend five mins studying each photo, there was so much to see and my heart raced at your furniture and the charms. I make them too when the mood hits me, Thank you so much for sharing your space with me Hugs ~Wendy Ay blissangels
I love all your antique pieces, especially the watchmakers cabinet. Very pretty space!
Love looking at all your bits and pieces. I don't know what I want to do more right now, keep visiting all the creative spaces or hit the junking road - ha! Thank you for sharing.
Oh my what goodies are waiting to be put to use! I am a gatherer also and it is half the fun!! Thanks for the tour! What WONDERFUL place you have !
Fabulous space filled with wonderful creative treasure! I really enjoyed my visit here...thank you for sharing!
Your chandy is fabulous - what fun! Love your space - I'm sure you have great fun there. Thanks for sharing it with us.
oh, I love all the vintage trunks, boxes and storage you have...makes it beautiful!
I am so loving your studio!!! And the supplies you have shown us - worth hurting someone over ;) I have never heard of the Sally Jean Chandelier - I'll have to go check that out as it is interesting and would be fun to make/have. Did I mention I love your studio?!?!
Thanks so much for sharing your studio!!!
Romeo and "her"
Love your studio space. You have so many wonderful treasures.
What an awesome space! I love all the great storage pieces. That watchmakers cabinet is beautiful! My favorite photo is th eone with the old books and boxes...the colors are wonderful.
Happy creating!
Love all your vintage and antique treasures! Great pics too!
Best wishes,
I really enjoyed taking a tour of your creative space. How pretty and how organized you are. Love it all. Thanks for sharing!
Janet's Creative Pillows
Love everything....the shelves, drawers, all of the containers......it is a very great place!!!!
hi kelli, what a talented artist you are! love your work. you have some great vintage pieces to store all your supplies in, it looks fantastic! thanks for sharing, marcia
What a wonderful space! I love all your shelves and bowls and areas of creativity! All the vintagey touches are just gorgeous!
Terri ~ chocolates4breakfast
Hi Keli, I'm Becca and I love your studio space! Everything is so artistic and I could sit in there for hours peeking through all the drawers and goodies! I love your blog, wasn't sure how to follow, but I've added you to my blog roll so I'll be back!
Oh my, your place is wonderful. I loved checking out all your wonderful treasures, books, and "things in waiting." Really a beautiful space. Take care, Nancy
Ooooh, there is so much loveliness here! I love love love all the special boxes and storage pieces and that shelf of vintage books - dramatic sigh - I want that too! Okay, my space is already changing in my head . . . I need more, more, more . . . Kristin xo
Your artful book creations look just amazing! I loved getting a glimpse of your wonderful collections, vintage storage, and well, just everything. Thank you for the tour.
You have a terrific space. I especially like all the boxes and different storage pieces you have.
What an amazing space you have created! It inspires me to add to my own crafting area.
I adore all of your storage solutions.
What an amazingly wonderful and inspirational place to create in. I love everything about it. So many vintage items its completly lovely. thanks for the wonderful tour and have a great weekend. Angela
I love all your vintage charm and your boxes, oh my, just love them, great things and finds. What a pleasure to visit, thanks for letting me take a peek, have fun blog party hopping, we will never get to see everything in one day for sure, so many creative people! Stop by some time and thanks again for sharing! XOXO
I Love your studio...so inspiring...so many treasures to see!! Thanks for sharing!!!
Your studio is warm and cozy and just the right space for creative endeavors. I could spend a great deal of time in there. It's fabulous!
Love the red couches. LOVE the candleabra!! Love all your storage and things to look at.
happy day!
Your studio is wonderful! I really like the "Chanderalla" - I've never seen anything quite like that before. It looks like a place to get lost in with so many bits and pieces and treasures - I love it! Thanks for sharing it again.
Hi Kelli:
I really enjoyed exploring your creative space this year. I remember your cabinet from last year, and I really like it in its new spot. Perfect! And putting your work table near the natural light was a great idea, too. Thanks for the update!
I hope you'll stop and visit Brynwood. I'm having a little drawing, too, so I hope you'll enter.
HI Kelli,
WOW!!! I have certainly enjoyed my tour, your studio is amazing. GASP!!!! Love all of your vintage books, cabinets, suitcases and beautiful velvet boxes. I especially like your my favorite things photo. I could spend hours here.
Thanks for sharing.
What a wonderful studio you have..the vintage pieces of furniture and accessory pieces are to die for....my, you've been fortunate to find this stuff. Thanks so much for letting me stroll through your beautiful space.
I would love for you to visit with me and stroll through my studio..it's been a labor of love to put together and now after a year in our home putting everything together as it should be I feel like I can "spread my wings" and fly!
Have a wonderful day,
Stephanie ♥
How wonderful to see this space. A great move with the table over to the window for that wonderful natural light. I did not see last years post so I am glad you reposted and highlighted many areas of your room again. What a joy to visit this room of many meaningful purposes.
I so enjoyed visiting your creative space. We enjoy some of the same things you and I, I wish I could take one of Sally Jean's classes, I'm not really the type of person to get all gushy and overexcited about some famous person, but that gal and her artwork make me giddy. I love her book Pretty Little Things. I wish you lived next door to me, I don't know anyone in NW Arkansas that likes the kind of artwork I like. I'm adding you to the sidebar on my blog. Thanks for sharing.
The watchmaker's cabinet is amazing! Thanks for giving us a peek into your creative space.
Wow! I am LOVIN your space!! Especially of the cool vintage pieces you have!! LOVE it!!
You have the most incredible objects in your space. I love your chandy and I just plain loved seeng all those velvet boxes and wooden containers and bit and bobs that you use in your art.It really looks like it is a wonderful place to create in and I thank you for letting us visit.
If you wish, come and visit the blog of my daughter and me. We are only three months old (blogging) but have been making jewelry for fifteen years.Our blog is about much more than our jewelry...our life, our other artistic interests, I love paper arts, Kat loves vintage clothes. We both adore estate and rummage findings...you know! Wish you could come and help make it all workable!
You have the most incredible objects in your space. I love your chandy and I just plain loved seeng all those velvet boxes and wooden containers and bit and bobs that you use in your art.It really looks like it is a wonderful place to create in and I thank you for letting us visit.
If you wish, come and visit the blog of my daughter and me. We are only three months old (blogging) but have been making jewelry for fifteen years.Our blog is about much more than our jewelry...our life, our other artistic interests, I love paper arts, Kat loves vintage clothes. We both adore estate and rummage findings...you know! Wish you could come and help make it all workable!
Oh so many things to drool over... old books, little boxes and trinkets, great old furniture finds you have repurposed for storage.... Your space is wonderful!
Thank you for sharing it!
Dandelion Wishes,
Oh Kelli, your space looks scrumptious! I love all your little bits and bobs!
I enjoyed the tour of your studio. I love the wood storage pieces and the many old books. Charming! sandy
Oh I just love the vintage treasures. What a fun place to be. What a great place. Thank you for sharing it with us!!
Hi Keli, I love you studio it's filled with love and inspiration. I can certainly understand that your clock makers cabinet is so much nicer to look at than a TV, it's gorgeous i have to keep my eyes peeled for something like it cause I'm totally in love :)
Have a super day!
I love everything about your space! I feel like I found a secret garden! Can I come touch stuff. Tee Hee! Amazing! Hugs, ~Robin~
You have goodies and treasures everywhere, how lucky! My favorite is the watchmakers cabinet, I love drawers/cabinets. Your space is so inviting. Thanks for the tour.
I love your space, it’s just right, so many beautiful things to inspire, but not overwhelm. You have done a great job of putting it all together.
I like your space Kelli, it is calm and I like the sofa and chair such a soft place to land. Your storage unit is so cool, I love those and that is a sweet piece.
Big Horn Mountain Creations.
WoW! Thanks for the tour......... a very welcoming and inspiring space. I love all your collections and magical treasures. Pure eye candy.
Lurena Williamson
Tattered Moon
Thanks for sharing your space.
What a wonderful space! love all your antique cabinets! I am so late getting to everyones blogs but better late than never right?
luvs and glitter
p.s. i'm having a giveaway if you would like to stop by, but no pressure really just thought I'd let you know, there is vintage wallpaper and antique buttons involved:)
Hi Keli,
What a Magical Studio you have.... I Love the Watch makers cabinet & the Shelf full of Inspiration is Fabulous ~ wouldn't it be Fun if we could visit & Create with so many of the Wonderful Creative Souls we are meeting with this Tour
This is spectacular space! It's so interesting, and so you. I can't wait to see it in person!
Love it, all those old books, tins and boxes waiting for new ideas, or just looking great as they are.
You have a great space to create it.
Good Morning,
I'm in love with all of your vintage items...the books...the boxes...the cabinets...I could stay for hours.
Thank you for showing us around your creative space. Have a thoughtful Thursday. ~Natalie
What a completely inspiring space. My favorites are the shelves of vintage books and all you cabinets with all those little drawers. Fantastic!
Thanks so much for sharing your space. I had to go back and look twice so that I could take it all in. It is an inspiring workspace and beautifully organized. Your chandarella (sp) is so cool.
I love all the little treasures tucked around your space. It would be such fun to visit in person and be able to see them up close. Thanks so much for sharing with us!
WOW Fantastic space!!
Love all your creative bits and bobs!!. I think Chanderella is my new favorite .
Thanks for sharing
Where do I start! The watchmakers cabinet is just beautiful. I love your paint area also. I usually do my painting and other crafting all in the same spot, but you have inspired me to work on a paint station. Would be so much easier, less mess on other projects, I could go on and on. I am new to blogging and your site is one that has really inspired me! Thank you for that. It has been a real treat~ Sherry w/Scrapping With Sherry
What a comfy space with so many inspirational things everywhere you look! Thank you for the tour.
This is such a wonderful studio space you've created for yourself here! I would never leave it.
I am definitely inspired by your work space.
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